
RCI Coordinator

Eastern Slope Inn

Hey Friends,

We are launching a new monthly segment here at the Berry Companies called “Meet the Team”, by spotlighting some of our fantastic employees. As a family-run business, the health, safety, and happiness of our employees are increasingly important to us. Our resort is moved and shaped by some amazing people, and we’d like to show them some recognition!

We had a chance to catch up with Michelle, our RCI Coordinator at the Eastern Slope Inn Resort during a period of calm at the front desk. She was bubbling with enthusiasm about her recent experiences with our vacation owners! Take a look.

Michelle, what is your role at Eastern Slope Inn?

I’m the Resorts Condominiums International Vacation Owner Coordinator. I help execute our RCI exchanges & stays, as well as our owner vacation reservations.

How long have you worked here?

I’ve been here 2 years.

What’s your favorite part of the job?

I LOVE people, so I love the interactions I have with our owners and guests here at the front desk. I enjoy sitting down to talk with our vacation owners about what’s happening at the resort and how to best use it.

What drew you to AMSCO originally?

I had called North Conway home, but left for some time. This area drew me back, and I was happy to find an opportunity that allows me to interact with so many people.

What’s a common question you get from our guests?

Right now – the hot topic is COVID protocols. We’re in a transition period, and our guests are doing a great job of inquiring in advance about our COVID policies and safety measures.

Are you native, or a local?

I’m a local, originally from Westerley, Rhode Island.

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see cast as you?

Reba McEntire. She’s fun and outgoing, just like me! She’d be perfect.

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to chat, Michelle. Our guests are lucky to have you – and so are we! Keep making those memories.
